Friesian Screensaver and Wallpapers


Friesian Wallpapers Download and install a free wallpaper for your computer desktop. To save, right-click the link and choose “Save Target As…”

Friesian Wallpaper 1
1280×1024 1280×960 1024×768
Friesian Wallpaper 2
1280×1024 1280×960 1024×768
Friesian Wallpaper 3
1280×1024 1280×960 1024×768

Friesian Screensaver
Click here to download the photos above as a Windows XP screensaver. Unzip and run the .exe file to install.

Click here for more free desktop wallpaper and screensavers.


  1. The photos would have been much nicer if the horse didn’t have the halter. Halters left on horses are dangerous, show that the owner is not a true horseman and take away from the natural beauty of the horse.

  2. Thanks for those pics and screensavers. Would love to have more pics of Freisians in it. Freisians are the most beautiful horses in my opinion.

  3. I love these and I can’t download. . .does this have something to do with Vista? Also, what is the deal with charging after 40 days for the use of Winrar? Can someone please help??

  4. these horses are so awsome!!!! there black,(my fav color on a horse),gracful and they are my screen savers!!! Thanks!

  5. Canof wallscreeen saver and wallpapers you please make your down loads alittle easier I could not down load it as I followed your intruction and could not get it to work


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